Friday, July 14, 2006

Daily Routine 10

I read ooutside on the chaise lounge for about an hour. I was sweating so much because it was especially hot out at mid-day. I also cleaned off the front porch of all the leaves and such that had accumulated on the doormat. After I came in, showered and cleaned up, and then I had some lunch (still working on the pot roast from earlier in the week) and read some more.

As I was eating, the UPS delivery man came by and delivered the set of nominations for the national awards committee I serve on, so I spent a bit of time reading those and seeing who had been nominated. The votes are not due for a while, so I have time to carefully consider each application, but I always like to sift through and glance at the support materials.

I watched some TV and DVD this afternoon and was bad as an eater. I snacked a lot, even though I was not especially hungry. I have been really good about not doing that this summer, resulting in me not gaining any weight despite the fact that I am much less active because I am not working. Then I read the paper, and generally just hung out this afternoon and evening.

Although it has been very restful, it has also been almost boring. I need to have something to do -- or at least have a deadline before me in order to keep my mind occupied. Of course I have plenty of things to do, but I am not motivated at all to do those things. Tonight I have talked on the phone and sent a few e-mails and watched some TV. It is amazing how little good TV is on Fridays. Not much at all. I considered going to the movies, but I have pretty much seen everything I want that is playing and most of the movies available at the theater are completely lame. "The Lake House" and "You, Me and Dupree" are not films I am at all interested in.

Tomorrow I head to Ellensburg early, so I can help my brother and he can get an early start on his work building.

This is the end of my five-day experiment of posting my daily routine -- even the minor details -- twice each day. I will try to post at least once a day for the next few days, but some of my travels and activities that I have coming up may make that difficult. I have learned that more frequent posts generally leads to an increase in site visits and page views.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

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