Friday, January 21, 2005

Take the WASL early!

The Seattle Times reports that the state superintendent of public instruction will allow freshmen to take the state's proficiency test, the Washington Assessment of Student Learning, a year ahead of schedule, beginning next year.

Although Superintendent Terry Bergeson sees the opportunity as a way for students to practice the test, if a student passes any of the four areas, he or she would not be required to take those portions in Grade 10.

Read more including about the level of proficiency being deliberated now and options for repeating the test by those who don't pass with the first attempt.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

1 comment:

Dr Pezz said...


How can it be a bad idea to assess early and receive eraly feedback?! As long as the freshman scores are not tied to the district grade or any monies allotted, this sounds like a great opportunity.
