Monday, January 17, 2005

Freezing rain encrusts town

After I switched off the movie earlier this evening, I heard a slight tapping outside. I discovered that a storm of freezing rain had created a crust about one-quarter-inch thick atop the light, fluffy snow accumulated on the ground here.

I recall playing with this ice layer when I was a kid. I'd see if I could scoop out the snow beneath the ice and then just play around as kids will do. I also remember, when I lived in New Hampsire, that a colleague of mine from the school used the frozen crust to joke with her father. He slammed a brittle sheet of ice against his head, pretending it was "stunt glass." No wounds were evident.

At this point, due to the slick roads, I wonder if the schools' start time will be delayed at all. It could be a real challenge to the transportation department and to parents bringing their children to school. We'll see.

Update: Tuesday morning at 5:55, the phone rang, and I knew exactly what it was -- two-hour delay. Yes!

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like school delays almost as much as I like taffy. And I'm a man who loves his taffy. Mmmmmm....