Thursday, January 27, 2005

A face in the fighting

I received an e-mail today that prompted both good and bad emotional reaction. It was from a student I had in my class several years ago who, now in the U.S. Air Force, was headed to Iraq in a couple weeks. He had sent the e-mail to say that he was headed there and would try to stop by and say hi to me at school while he was though Wenatchee.

One line struck me hard: He said he was "mostly excited." Of course he was excited to be sent to a challenging new mission; he would also be in a dangerous environment with much greater risk than at the base in Tacoma.

I reacted with both pleasure and fear. I am so proud of the young serviceman he has become. This is a student who worked hard during high school, had his share of discipline situations and was pretty rough around the edges. His articulate message saying he wanted to come and visit me would make any teacher proud. At the same time, I fear for his safety while he is stationed in Iraq. Suddenly, all the nameless soldiers and marines deployed to Iraq have a face, one I know and can see only as a kid sitting two rows back in Freshman English.

I didn't tell him I am opposed to this war and the misdirected mission he will be assigned to implement. I'm not sure how that would go over. Just beneath the bravado of a young serviceman is the young man who has his doubts and questions the unknown.

I hope he and his company are safe and successful during their tour of duty, and I'll look forward to seeing him come home.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

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