Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Joint Chiefs

For a bit more than two years, I've called the social studies teachers at my school the Joint Chiefs. I don't have a particular reason why I call them the Joint Chiefs -- something along the lines of aqll sharing power and eachthinking he is the head dude. At lunch, they guys sit around in their cluster of desks and debate the issues of the day. Each has a different perspective, and sometimes things get a bit heated. Not often, but sometimes.

This school year, I began eating my lunch with the Joint Chiefs. The election campaigns of the autumn provided daily fodder, and the Washington governor's race is still a topic from time to time. Of course, we also talk about any issue that's in the news or buzzing around school from Jon Stewart to the despised policy of the week.

It's a fun group, and there's a lot of give and take. Usually a few laughs, too.

I use some of the lunchtime discussions as the beginnings of postings for here, and lately, I have taken to saying "I just wrote about that on my blog last night." Some of the Chiefs don't know how to get to a blog, but they smile and nod anyway.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When is the paper due?