Sunday, January 23, 2005

The gubernatorial election plot thickens

Information reported in The Seattle Times Jan. 23 adds a shocking new wrinkle to the Nov. 2, 2004, election. The Times reports that 129 felons apparently voted in the election -- just in King and Pierce counties. In a remarkable coincidence, that is exactly the margin of victory of Gov. Gregoire over her opponent, former state Sen. Dino Rossi, in the election.

Read all about it here.

So, according to a comment posted by a reader of this Blog, the straws the Republicans have been grasping have become more sturdy. I agree to a certain extent. However, the Democrats interpret the state law this way: The petitioners will have to show not just that the votes could have resulted in a change in victor (because the number of disputed votes could potentially have changed the outcome). Instead, they must show that the votes would change the outcome. Furthermore, the Dems maintain that the voting by felons is a registration error that should have been challenged before the election was certified in each county. Now, it's a done deal.

As for felons voting, let's also keep from pointing fingers at the winning party. Plenty of these folks voted for Rossi, and there are errors such as these in every election in every county. There should be a reform of the procedures, for certain, but we can't undo results simply because we think the results could have been changed.

I say it's still not enough to overturn the election. The person who posted a comment here earlier also said that Gov. Gregoire could end all this by, one, calling for a revote, and, two, appointing 49.99 percent Repoublicans to her administration. Are you kidding? That is absurd. I did not expect President Bush to do that when he took office, and I would not expect Rossi to do so if he were in Gov. Gregoire's position. It simply does not work that way. Period.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.


Anonymous said...

OK... here's the deal, I'm pretty sure a blog is not a forum to post your issues and debates about POLITICS, let me just say i threw up in my mouth a little, I meen come on. I think, that a blog is a diary, now that doesnt meen there is no room for your political opinions, but seriously lets have a little spice, not, "blah blah blah, democrats blah republicans blah." An exceptable place to insert politicals veiws would be in a journal entry, such as the ones you have, but among other things, lets here how they pertain to your everyday life, not just you oppinions... SPICE IT UP A LITTLE A DIZZLE!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted about only politics here:
If you know anything about Logan, its that politics run his life. That and being a journalism nerd.

Dr Pezz said...

The Loganite can use HIS blog to post whatever he wants on HIS blog. If you don't like it, don't read it--turn the channel! The Loganite bows down to no mere mortal!

Besides, he's right. None of these discrepencies were important to Rossi and his supporters until the count began to favor Gregoire, which should highlight the fact that Rossi is worried about winning and not about following the predetermined process. You can't change the process after the fact when it doesn't go your way. The process was obviously not perfect, but no one in his right mind could possibly believe there is some sort of state-wide fraud. We aren't Florida.

By the way, I almost threw up in my mouth when I saw your spelling. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Ok this is true, it appears as though my spelling was quite awful, and it still may be, I was in quite a hurry. You see, I am a student in Logan’s class and was in a hurry to type it so that he wouldn’t notice, I do apologize for my offensive grammar/spelling. And on the note of apologies I hope that Logan didn’t take anything mentioned personally as I was not in any way trying to be rude or mean. Just thought it would be more fun to read a blog with something besides politics, and yes I am WELL aware that politics is a huge part of his life, but its not EVERYTHING. And yes, Logan, I do agree no one wants to hear about how you jus took out the trash, etc… but life is more interesting than who one the election or what so and so did during their inauguration. Life is exciting live, stop for a second take time to see what is out there worth living for.