Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tom DeLay, exit stage right

Tom DeLay, the embattled Congressman who rose to power to become known as the "velvet hammer" as the Republican leader in the U.S. House of Representatives but who lately has been under indictment for campaign finance violations has said he would not seek to return to the leadership post he took leave from late in 2005.

CNN reports

A group of moderate Republicans, seemingly ready to cut DeLay loose as an example of the party's corruption and then move on, circulated a petition among conference members which sought a new leadership election. Obviously the leading contender is Roy Blunt, the previous whip who has been the acting leader in DeLay's absence.

I suspect this is just the first of several "head to roll" that we will see in the coming weeks and months. If I were in GOP shoes, I would also seek to cut out the bad parts and move on. This is a Congressional election year, and members of Congress probably want all the bad news about the Abramoff lobbying scandal behind them as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll reports that a plurality of Americans favor a change in party to lead the Congress, 49 percent to 36 percent. Of course, the Congress is elected district by district and not based on any national poll. Still, strong candidates and close elections could mean good news for the Dems.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

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