Friday, January 27, 2006

Senior Par-tay

Jan. 26 was a first-ever event at school. The senior class senate, which I advise, planned a party to mark the end of the students' seventh semester and dubbed it the "7/8 Party." It was a chance to have fun with a goal of bringing the seniors together.

The components included four stations for the "Halo 2" video game, a projected movie, card games, two sets of "Dance, Dance Revolution," basketball and dodge ball. We also ordered 20 pizzas, and one senator brought 12 two-liter jugs of pop. The senators and I had our fingers crossed that we would get at least a few dozen people attending and that people would not try to be "fashionably late."

We were surprised at the turnout of well over 100 people, between a quarter and a third of the class. There was also a diverse mixture of students, not just the usual faces. The best part was that the kids seemed to just be having fun -- the senators called it "chill." I also appreciated the dedication of our dozen or so parent and community chaperones, who mainly had to work the next day.

If the goal was to have fun and bring the class together, I say "mission accomplished."

-- Seattle


Anonymous said...

Loganite, why is it that you are signing your blogs as "seattle"?

Loganite said...

I always sign my posts from the location/city where they were posted. A couple times in the past I wrote some entries but could not post them until I found Internet access. Those are usually noted as such.

I don't use the dateline for comments back, though.

-- L.