Sunday, January 08, 2006

Rodent revenge

Via CNN and The Associated Press:

FORT SUMNER, New Mexico (AP) -- A mouse got its revenge against a homeowner who tried to dispose of it in a pile of burning leaves. The blazing creature ran back to the man's house and set it on fire.

Luciano Mares, 81, of Fort Sumner said he caught the mouse inside his house and wanted to get rid of it.

"I had some leaves burning outside, so I threw it in the fire, and the mouse was on fire and ran back at the house," Mares said from a motel room Saturday.

Village Fire Chief Juan Chavez said the burning mouse ran to just beneath a window, and the flames spread up from there and throughout the house.

No was hurt inside, but the home and everything in it was destroyed.

Unseasonably dry and windy conditions have charred more than 53,000 acres and destroyed 10 homes in southeastern New Mexico in recent weeks.

"I've seen numerous house fires," village Fire Department Capt. Jim Lyssy said, "but nothing as unique as this one."

Now that is irony!

-- Wenatchee, Wash.


Anonymous said...

What bugs me is how many people think the guy got what he deserved because he was being cruel to the mouse. Is losing everything he owns a good punishment for burning a pest?

Dr Pezz said...

Well, I haven't heard anyone saying that the man deserved having his house burn down, but I did chuckle at the irony, not his loss, but the irony.

Anonymous said...

I laughed at it too, it's actually a pretty funny sight to imagine.

I post stuff there every once in a while and some people were up in arms over animal cruelty.

Dr Pezz said...

I'll check it out tomorrow. I'm a bit fatigued tonight. Thanks for the link.

I just popped on to see if Loganite had something new or if he's still riding the minimum wage wave. :)