Friday, December 30, 2005

Time to cut and run?

In a post I read over at the blog of my Colorado chick Vestal Vespa, I read with interest about the true consequences of pulling out American troops from their occupation of Iraq. The article is a manageable one from The Atlantic. The author is a fellow at the New America Foundation and spent 16 months in Iraq after the initial invasion.

Read "If America Left Iraq"
and arm yourself with some facts about what might happen in the next year or more.

We're pulling out eventually. What happens when we do is a matter of when we pull out and how long we have overstayed our welcome. Even if, after reading the article fully, one doesn't come to the same conclusions as the author, it is worth it for the background and history. I was intrigued by the projected future for the Kurds and the political bargaining that will keep Turkey in check.

-- Issaquah, Wash.

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