Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Digest: Good stuff

Slate magazine continues to offer a ton of interesting stuff daily. I love it. My favorite element is The Explainer, which, obviously, explains stuff in the news. Another recent offering of note is the piece on whether conservatives are insane. Check it out. This chimes in nicely with what my friend DrPezz says frequently: People vote the lifestyle they want, not the one they live.

Slate also reports that Arianna Huffington has a new liberal superblog. Cool. Check it out. Here's hoping it ain't lame. But, in her second day, she gives props to former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart about his views on the current strategy in Iraq. Aw man, don't make me get all nostalgic for Gary Har. Alas, what could have been if not for all that "monkey business."

Ann Coulter (that four-letter word that starts with "C") is dating a liberal country singer. Dude, I am not making this up. Check it out.

The Advanced Placement Examination for language and composition included an analysis of a satirical piece from none other than The Onion. Really. I am not yet sure how I feel about the AP Exam using The Onion, a site still blocked by our school's Internet filters; kinda makes the satire folks seem too mainstream, and their alternative-ness was always part of their charm. More oroof: The New York Times advertises on The Onion Web site.

"Team America: World Police" is out on DVD May 17 with a version we never saw in theaters. F-Yeah!

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loganite, you also offer a ton of interesting stuff daily. You are far more interesting than Slate or any other publication. You are a great man, and I admire you deeply.