Sunday, May 01, 2005

Apple Blossom Time

It's time again for the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival and all the fun and hassle that accompanies Apple Blossom.

After eight years here in Wenatchee, I have really grown to enjoy the festival. I like the parade, I like the food fair, I even somewhat enjoy the arts and crafts fair in the final weekend.

One of the best parts of Apple Blossom is all the fun characters that emerge and converge downtown. Memorial Park seems to be ground zero for the freak show, and one can often see a few "free spirits" dancing sprightly to the music being played on stage. Also, youngsters and those who think they are still young find their kindrfed spirits in the park -- a high proportion of the tattooed, pierced and leathery seems to populate the place, swearing and riding bikes or skateboards through the area. Just today, as I was leaving the food fair in park, I looked over to see a man, probably in his 20s, with his shirt open several buttons and his left pectoral exposed. The tattooed word on his breast made me look closer. It was the word "LUST" emblazoned in large capital letters circling his left nipple. For me, that was a first.

Everyone who has been to Wenatchee during Apple Blossom has seen something weird, breathtaking or just plain shocking. Post your anecdotes!

-- Wenatchee, Wash.


Dr Pezz said...

As the old song goes: "The freaks come out at night."

Anonymous said...

What gets me is our young women dressing in really tight low-cut jeans and tank tops, go out and walk the avenue this weekend, and then get mad when some guy grabs them. What do they expect?

Dr Pezz said...

Obviously, Adam, your posting is simply one to bait others into a dialogue because no one in their right mind would advocate the unsolicited touching of a woman against her wishes. I'm somewhat surprised you'd post something so illogical and offensive. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. What are you talking about? Nowhere in my post did I advocate unsolicited touching of women; I'm simply just pointing out something I hear from girls year after year that really gets under my skin. And what I posted really isn't illogical, it's a fact--if women don't want to be harassed or grabbed they should stay home...and they know this too, but they love the attention.

Just thought I'd share my biggest complaint, I don't see how anybody can disagree with what I said. I'm actually surprised somebody responded.

Dr Pezz said...

You said the girls "get mad when some guy grabs them. What do they expect?" That is an unsolicited touch! How do you read it?

What you said is exactly what is used to blame the victim in rape cases. No matter what anyone wears, no one has the right to touch or violate their person.

You (in your second post) basically say women should expect harassment, so they should stay home. Moronic statement. Period. A person's attire should not be an invitation to harassment or any offensive touching.

Holly G said...

Here's my anecdote:

As you know, Memorial Park is right next to the local Court House, which sits at the top of a small rise and looks out over the festival crowds. Located in the court house are the offices of local judges, sherriff, and the the staff of the prosecuting attorney.

While wandering the park one weekday afternoon, I ran into a couple of members of the Prosecutor's staff who told me their favorite past time during the Apple Blossom Festival is look out from their offices and play "spot the felon." Apparently, several ne'er-do-wells enjoy getting into the festivities. Unfortunately, local law enforcement authorities are ready for them and several arrests are made each year.

Dr Pezz said...

I once came down to enjoy the food and music when I happened to look over at a couple who were obviously out of towners (at least I'd never seen them in Wenatchee and I would've remembered).

The man had a red and white star tattoo around the right eye while his female companion had a blue and white star tattoo around the left. I can't imagine a tattoo on the face at all, but I especially can't imagine one meant to be a matching set.

At least they were patriotic!

Anonymous said...

I never said it was okay for somebody to do that. It's like the time I got my car stereo stolen because I left my car unlocked overnight. It's not okay for somebody to steal, but maybe if I'd lock my doors it would help prevent that from happening.

Women's attire not an invitation for harassment? Of course, but is it something that would entice that sort of behavior? Yes. What kind of setting and what kind of people do you think are going to be out cruising and walking the avenue tonight and tomorrow night? If a girl doesn't want to get grabbed when walking the avenue while wearing skimpy clothes, what do you suggest she does rather than stay home? Call the police if it happens? Honestly...

Dr Pezz said...

Adam, you really are too much.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think my original comment about a simple observation would have recieved any replies, but instead it was attacked to my surprise despite it lacking any offensive material.