Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bush already thinking about his retirement...

... and so are we.

Check out what bops around inside the vast expanse of the Presidential Mind.

President Bush is thinking about his legacy, as many presidents do amid their second terms. He is planning his library, which will definitely be in Texas. My bet is on Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Texas Tech could be a West Texas favorite, but I doubt it.

So the cap of President Bush's week was not giving a truly lame State of the Union address. No, it was an honor far greater. He was named A.H.O.Y. 2005. He won in 2003, only to be unseated by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in 2004, but the President had a truly crappy year and deserves to reclaim the mantle of A.H.O.Y.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hhhhhhmmmmmmm let me guess...are you liberal???