Monday, August 22, 2005

Immigration: A solution to the problem?

A reader posted a comment to my earllier post about immigration from Mexico. At his Weblog, Mark in Mexico, he gives a lengthy history of Mexico, explaining why the country has developed the way it has. His explanation of Mexico's corruption is interesting and informatiove.

Further down, he peoposes a solution to the illegal immigration. Some of the arguments are startlingly compelling, others are horrifying. I am not sure whether Mark, living in Mexico and teaching English, is a "compassionate conservative," a Libertarian or a Socialist. Maybe all three, maybe something else entirely. Nonetheless, the plan is worth a look if for no other reason than as a starting point in a lengthy debate.

People are beginning to say immigration is the issue for 2006 and 2008 elections. I join the chorus; they are right. It is.

See for yourself.

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

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