Saturday, August 20, 2005

Constitution Day is Sept. 16

The John S. and James L. KNight Foundation is making a full-court press for educators to teach about the First Amendment on Constitution Day, scheduled this year for Sept. 16.

The Web site, Teach the First Amendment, contains an interactive quiz, lessons and resources for teaching and promoting the First Amendment in schools. The splash page lists three reasons why this is important:
  • Three-fourths of high school students don't know how they feel about the First Amendment, or take it for granted.
  • Nearly half believe the government can censor the Internet
  • One-third think the First Amendment goes to ofar in the rights it guarantees.

We all must do what we can to promote the understanding and appreciation of our Constitution, especially its First Amendment. I am planning activities and lessons for my own classroom. Ideas?

-- Wenatchee, Wash.

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